Start / texter / James och jättepersikan / Family



Originalmusik: Randy Newman
Originaltext: Randy Newman

Take a little time,
just look at where we are.
We've come very, very far, together.
And if I might say so
and if I might say so too
we wouldn't have got anywhere if it weren't for you, boy.

Love is the sweetest thing.
Love never comes just when you think it will.
Love is the way we feel for you.
We're family, we're family, we're family
all of us and you!

Think of where we'd be
if we were on our own
you're what holds us all, together.
And if I might say so
and if we might say so too
we never could love anyone as much as we love you!

Love is the strangest thing.
Love does exactly what it wants to do.
Love, boy, you know it's true.
We're family, we're family, we're family, me and you!

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.
Without you there'd be no us.

Love is the sweetest thing.
Love does exactly what it wants to do.
Love is the way we feel for you.
We're family, we're family, we're family, me and you!

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