Start / texter / Sängknoppar och kvastskaft / Substitutiary Locomotion

Substitutiary Locomotion


Originalmusik: Richard M. Sherman och Robert B. Sherman
Originaltext: Richard M. Sherman och Robert B. Sherman

Treguna Mecoides and Trecorum Satis Dee
Substitutiary locomotion
It's the power that's far beyond the wildest notion
It's a weird so feared, yet wonderful to see
Substitutiary locomotion come to me

Treguna Mecoides and Trecorum Satis Dee
I don't want locomotiary substitution
Or remote intrasitory convolution
Only one precise solution is the key
Substitutiary locomotion it must be
Treguna Mecoides and Trecorum Satis Dee


Substitutiary locomotion
Lovely substitutiary locomotion
You may substututiary mystery
With Treguna Mecoides and a little help from me
With Treguna Mecoides and Trecorum Satis Dee

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